Письмами Рособрнадзора от 02.12.2016 N 10-835, от 23.12.2016 N 02-411 направлены уточненные редакции методических документов, рекомендуемых к использованию при организации и проведении ГИА-9 и ГИА-11 в 2017 году.

Раздел 1. Чтение


Установите соответствие между заголовками 1 - 8 и текстами A - G. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний.


The First Bird


Talented Talkers


Inside a Bird


Bird Records


Bird Legends


Champions of the Air


Man and Birds


People and Nature


There are a great many birds which can be taught to say a few words. But the real "talking" birds can be taught to say long sentences! The best talking birds are parrots, mynas, crows, ravens, jackdaws and certain jays. Many people believe that the ability to "talk" depends on the structure of a bird's tongue. Most biologists believe birds do not understand the words they say.


The ostrich is the largest bird in the world. It can grow up to 9 feet (2.7 m) tall. The smallest bird is the bee hummingbird of Cuba, which is no larger than a bumblebee. The heaviest flying bird ever recorded was a mute swan that weighed 50 lb (23 kg). The chicken is the world's most common bird. In the wild, the red-billed quelea of Africa is the most numerous bird.


Birds have an internal skeleton and backbone. Flying birds have very light skeletons, to reduce the weight they have to carry in flight. Many of their bones are hollow. The inside of the bone looks like a honey-comb. Birds also have lightweight beaks, instead of heavy, bony jaws.


Birds are the most numerous of the earth's warm-blooded animals. Scientists have estimated that there may be over 100,000 million birds in the world altogether. Their success is largely due to their ability to fly, which gives them a better chance in finding food and places to live. Birds come in all different sizes and colours.


All living things change over thousands of years to improve their chances of survival. This process of change is called evolution. Birds evolved from reptiles about 150 million years ago. Their feathers developed from the scales which covered their ancestors. Wings gradually evolved from front legs. One of the first birds was Archaeopteryx ("ancient wing"). It was a bad flier and used to climb trees and then glide away.


People have often looked at birds as bearers of good fortune. The phoenix was worshiped in ancient Egypt, but exists only in legend. People believed that the phoenix could set itself on fire and their rise from its own ashes. The dove as a symbol of peace came from the biblical story of Noah, who sent a dove from his Ark to find dry land. The pelican got its reputation for being a good dutiful parent in the Middle Ages. People believed that the pelican pierced its chest and fed its young with its blood.


People are beginning to realize that environmental problems are not just somebody else's. Many people join and support various international organizations and green parties. Human life is the most important, and polluted air, poisoned water, wastelands, noise, smoke, gas, exhaust all influence not only nature but people themselves. Everything should be done to improve ecological conditions on our planet.









Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски A - F частями предложений, обозначенными цифрами 1 - 7. Одна из частей в списке 1 - 7 лишняя. Занесите цифры, обозначающие соответствующие части предложений, в таблицу.

Living in the moment makes people happier

Psychologists have found that people are distracted from the task they are performing nearly half of the time, and this daydreaming consistently makes them less happy. But the study also found A ____________ than what they are actually doing.

Many philosophical and religious traditions highlight the benefits of living for the moment, B _________________. Psychologists at Harvard University collected information on the daily activities, thoughts and feelings of 2,250 volunteers to find out how often they were focused on what they were doing, and what made them most happy. They found that people were happiest C ________________, and least happy when working, resting or using a home computer. They also found that subjects' minds were wandering nearly half of the time D ______________.

The researchers concluded that thinking ahead and daydreaming make people more miserable, even E ___________________. Even the most interesting tasks did not keep people's full attention. Participants in the study said they were thinking about something else at least 30% of the time while performing different tasks.

"Human beings have a unique ability to focus on things that aren't happening right now. That F ________________; to think about and plan for the future as well. It also allows them to imagine things that might never happen," said Matthew Killingsworth, the lead researcher. "At the same time, it seems that human beings often use this ability in ways that are not productive, and it can also make us unhappy," he added.

1. and that this consistently made them less happy

2. allows them to reflect on the past and learn from it

3. even when they were being tested and corrected

4. that people spend nearly half their time thinking about something other

5. when they are thinking about something pleasant

6. but until now there has not been much scientific evidence to support this

7. when exercising or in conversation







Прочитайте текст и выполните задания 3 - 9. В каждом задании обведите цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.

Australia's Northern Territory

Australia's Northern Territory is a huge region, equivalent in size to France, Italy and Spain combined, where natural environments from deserts and rocky mountain ranges to mangroves and tropical forests abound. If you're seeking a tour experience that allows an intimate connection with vast, unspoilt natural environments, the Northern Territory is definitely one of the premier destinations on the planet.

The contrasts and colours of the Northern Territory's rich environment ebb and flow with the seasons, nowhere more evident than in the World Heritage National Parks of Uluru-Kata Tjuta (Ayers Rock) in Central Australia and Kakadu in the tropical north. The Northern Territory's flora and fauna is as diverse as fleeting desert wildflowers and sumptuous lotus lilies, and tiny gecko lizards and giant saltwater crocodiles.

The native people of the Northern Territory continue to hold a profoundly spiritual, unbroken connection to the land that reaches back tens of thousands of years, yet is still accessible today. They are becoming increasingly involved in the Northern Territory tourism industry, and now operate a range of authentic tour businesses that include activities ranging from desert walks in search of bush tucker to visits to ancient rock art galleries.

The Northern Territory is famous for its diverse, colourful characters. Uncomplicated, larger than life characters are easy to find in the Territory's legendary outback pubs, cattle stations and country towns. At the same time, the Northern Territory today is also home to a diverse, multicultural mix of people all of whom are only too willing to share a yarn or two. It's hard not to fall in love with Territorians' open, down-to-earth, can-do attitude, whatever their background.

Kakadu National Park is located 250 kilometres east of Darwin. Plunging gorges, rugged escarpments, lush wetlands and cascading waterfalls abound in Kakadu, covering area the size of Wales or the US state of West Virginia. Renowned for the richness of its natural and cultural wonders, Kakadu has one of the highest concentrations in the world of publicly accessible Aboriginal rock art sites. Closer to Darwin are the unspoiled wetlands of Mary River National Park which is home to millions of birds, many crocodiles and plentiful fish including the mighty barramundi. The Litchfield National Park is located about 100 kilometres south of Darwin, and is home to an impressive array of natural wonders including waterfalls, rock pools and towering gorges. Arnhem Land, to the east of Kakadu National Park, covers some 91,000 square kilometers and is home to many Aboriginal people, most of whom continue to speak their traditional languages and practice their traditional cultures. To visit Arnhem Land, a permit must be obtained from the Northern Land Council in Darwin. The stunning beauty and cultural significance of areas such as Oenpelli, Mt Borradaile, and the Cobourg and Gove peninsulas make a visit to Arnhem Land an unforgettable experience.


The main draw of a holiday in Australia's Northern Territory is the variety of its ...

1) original nature.

2) traditional arts.

3) climatic conditions.

4) educational opportunities.



The text suggests that the natives' ties with nature ...

1) were broken by civilization.

2) are not the same as before.

3) were exchanged for business.

4) have been kept for ages.



The Territorians are characterized as ...

1) sophisticated.

2) aggressive.

3) nationalistic.

4) open hearted.



The barramundi is a ...

1) fish.

2) reptile.

3) mammal.

4) bird.



What does the text say about the access to the national parks?

1) The access is always unrestricted.

2) The access is closed during some seasons.

3) Permission is needed to visit some.

4) The access permit is very expensive.



The experience of visiting the Northern Territory is described as ...

1) tiring.

2) breathtaking.

3) dangerous.

4) time-consuming.



The author's aim in this text is ...

1) to advertise a tourist destination.

2) to give an academic description of the land.

3) to give a poetic description of the land.

4) to raise environmental issues.
