Письмами Рособрнадзора от 02.12.2016 N 10-835, от 23.12.2016 N 02-411 направлены уточненные редакции методических документов, рекомендуемых к использованию при организации и проведении ГИА-9 и ГИА-11 в 2017 году.

Раздел 3. Письмо


You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen-friend Mark who writes:

...Last month my parents and I went to Edinburgh and among other places we visited the famous National Gallery there. It was my first visit to a picture gallery and it was great! How often do you go to art galleries or exhibitions, if at all? What kind of pictures do you personally prefer? Why do you think people should go to such places?

Next winter we plan to go skiing with my parents.

Write a letter to Mark.

In your letter:

- answer his questions;

- ask 3 questions about his skiing plans.

Write 100 - 140 words.

Remember the rules of letter writing.