При подготовке данного приложения использовались следующие источники
1. Картаев Ф.С. (2018). Оценка влияния монетарной политики на экономический рост для различных групп стран. Финансы: теория и практика, том 22, N 1.
2. Картаев Ф.С. (2017). Полезно ли инфляционное таргетирование для экономического роста? Вопросы экономики, N 2, с. 62 - 74.
3. Картаев Ф.С., Филиппов А.П., Хазанов А.А. (2016). Эконометрическая оценка воздействия таргетирования инфляции на динамику ВВП. Журнал Новой экономической ассоциации, N 1, с. 107 - 129.
4. Aguir A. (2017). Stability and Economic Performance of the Inflation-Targeting Policy Facing the Crisis. International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues, N 7 (4), pp. 448 - 452.
5. Ayres K., Belasen A.R., Kutan A.M. (2014). Does inflation targeting lower inflation and spur growth? Journal of Policy Modeling, Vol. 2, N 36, pp. 373 - 388.
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7. Borio C., Disyatat P., Juselius M., & Rungcharoenkitkul P. (2017). Why so low for so long? A long-term view of real interest rates.
8. Brito R., Bystedt B. (2010). Inflation targeting in emerging economies: Panel evidence. Journal of Development Economics, Vol. 91, N 2, pp. 198 - 210.
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10. Fang W., Miller S., Lee C. (2009). What can we learn about inflation targeting? Evidence from time-varying treatment effects. University of Connecticut Working Paper, N 14R.
11. Fratzscher M., Grosse Steffen C., Rieth M. (2017). Inflation Targeting as a Shock Absorber.
12. Goncalves C.E.S., Salles J.M. (2008). Inflation targeting in emerging economies: What do the data say? Journal of Development Economics, Vol. 85, N 1 - 2, pp. 312 - 318.
13. De Guimaraes e Souza G.J., de Mendonca H.F., de Andradec J.P. (2016). Inflation targeting on output growth: A pulse dummy analysis of dynamic macroeconomic panel data. Economic Systems, Vol. 40, N 1, pp. 145 - 169.
14. Fouejieu M.A., Roger M.S. (2013). Inflation targeting and country risk: an empirical investigation (N 13 - 21). International Monetary Fund.
15. Hale G., Philippov A. (2015). Is transition to inflation targeting good for growth? FRBSF Economic Letter, N 2015 - 14.
16. Ho S.Y., Njindan Iyke B. (2018). Financial Development, Growth and Poverty Reduction: Evidence from Ghana.
17. Hu Y. (2003). Empirical investigations of inflation targeting. Institute for International Economics Working Paper, N 3 - 6.
18. Kiladze N. (2017, July). Evaluating Inflation Targeting Regime-Case Study: Georgia. In Proceedings of International Academic Conferences (N 5408043). International Institute of Social and Economic Sciences.
19. Kruskovic B.D., & Maricic T. (2015). Empirical Analysis of the impact of foreign exchange reserves to economic growth in emerging economics. Applied economics and finance, N 2 (1), pp. 102 - 109.
20. Kurihara Y. (2013). Does adoption of inflation targeting reduce exchange rate volatility and enhance economic growth? Journal of World Economic Research, Vol. 2, N 6, pp. 104 - 109.
21. Lin S., Ye H. (2007). Does inflation targeting really make a difference? Evaluating the treatment effect of inflation targeting in seven industrial countries. Journal of Monetary Economics, Vol. 54, N 8, pp. 2521 - 2533.
22. Lin S., Ye H. (2009). Does inflation targeting make a difference in developing countries? Journal of Development Economics, Vol. 89, N 1, pp. 118 - 123.
23. Mollick A., Cabral R., Carneiro F. (2011). Does inflation targeting matter for output growth? Evidence from industrial and emerging economies. Journal of Policy Modeling, Vol. 33, N 4, pp. 537 - 551.
24. Neanidis K.C., Savva C.S. (2013). Macroeconomic uncertainty, inflation and growth: Regime-dependent effects in the G7. Journal of Macroeconomics, Vol. 35, N C, pp. 81 - 92.
25. Neuman M.J.M., von Hagen J. (2002). Does inflation targeting matter? Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Review, Vol. 84, N 4, pp. 127 - 148.
26. Nogueira Junior R.P. (2007). Inflation targeting and exchange rate pass-through. Economia Aplicada, Vol. 11, N 2, pp. 189 - 208.
27. Prasertnukul W., Kim D., Kakinaka M. (2010). Exchange rates, price levels, and inflation targeting: Evidence from Asian countries. Japan and the World Economy, Vol. 22, N 3, pp. 173 - 182.
28. Sheridan N., Ball L.M. (2005). Does inflation targeting matter? In: B.S. Bernanke, M. Woodford (eds.). The inflation targeting debate. Chicago: University of Chicago Press for the National Bureau of Economic Research, pp. 249 - 276.
29. Walsh C.E. (2009). Inflation targeting: What have we learned? International Finance, Vol. 12, N 2, pp. 195 - 233.
30. Willard L.B. (2006). Does inflation targeting matter? A reassessment. Princeton University CEPS Working Paper, N 120.
31. Wilson B.K. (2006). The links between inflation, inflation uncertainty and output growth: New time series evidence from Japan. Journal of Macroeconomics, Vol. 28, N 3, pp. 609 - 620.
32. Fisher P. (2011). Current issues in monetary policy. In speech given at the Global Borrowers and Investors Forum, London, N 21, June.
33. International Monetary Fund. 2018. World Economic Outlook: Challenges to Steady Growth. Washington, DC, October.
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